Monday, 28 February 2011

The music

For my Horror trailer I chose a track from the album "afdf" shown above, I used track 2 which is called "sdfg". My original idea was to use a popular music track with a vocal artist in it to attract the mass audience to the trailer, but then after researching other Horror trailers I found out that the most effective songs were actually the one with no vocal artsist in it as in some cases the voice and the popular song distracted the audience from the actual content in the trailer, which is the main reason people go to watch an advertised film as they are attractered by the content they see in the trailer and are intrigued to go to the cinema to watch the film.

Friday, 18 February 2011

Creating my trailer

I wanted to create a group of pictures which could be used at the begining on the trailer to identify were the location was and create a old fashioned photo style affect as if I have just took the photos and chucked them into the screen making the horror trailer more realistic.

I used Photoshop to scale the images to size to be able to fit on the screen and not have any black empty spaces around the image which creates a lack of continuity in the trailer and would make the effect of putting the images on look poor something which I did not want to happen.

I used Paint to be able to print sceen the image to be able to use for part of my research and show how I have done each stage of the process the create the final product in my horror trailer

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Prop list

I didn't use many props for my Horror trailer as I believed to make the trailer as authentic to real life as possible was vital so props which wouldn't be used in every day use were not on the agenda.

The props I did use however was things which was readily available to use and fitted in with the scene such as branches of wood which was food which I had to check due to safety of the cast.

Below is the list of props used in the horror trailer filming:

. Branches of wood
. Energy drinks (which was a replacement for alcohol)
. White carrier bags- used for the cast members to sit on when laying on the wet moody floor
. Digital video camera- to film the trailer
. Tri-pod- for the video camera to make sure footage was still and in frame
. Digital camera- to take pictures of location and cast

What was my shooting schedule?

Due to filming and re filming, I have had a few filming sessions to make sure I get the right shot for the right moment. These are the dates filmed and what I did;

November 2010- This is the period when it was heavily snowing causing alot of problems for me to film but I did complete the park scene in this date which needed o be re-filmed due to poor quality of camera shots and disruption of mise en scene.

December 2010- I filmed a brief section in this month which was the mansion seen but when I edited the footage, I found the lighting poor as I filmed it all around 6pm which was fairly dark meaning I had to re shoot this bit.

January 2011- My first completed scene, I finished the park scene and brief part of the mansion scene and was happy with the footage filmed as the snow by this time had gone meaning I had a realistic mise en scene to film with.

February 2011- Completed footage. At this time I was editing my park scene and had just finished the mansion scene which was the last part left from January. Apart from some light rain the footage matched perfectly and didn't need to much work to mix the two separate scenes together.

Film poster size

This is the size for a bus sized poster which I found on the Wyke Media website. I have looked at the sizes to enable me to work on a smaller scale on my poster as I have decided to aim for a bus stop poster as I believe this is the best way to advertise my Horror film.

I had many decisions to make regarding what style poster to make such as billboard size which is the biggest, then the bus stop size or the smaller size of the magazine pull out poster. I did some audience research to see what my target audience believe is the best place to put it which they chose bus stop. These are the results I got;

I asked 5 reliable people who fitted in the target market (3 males and 2 females) on what they believe is the best location to use. I believe to make a more conclusive answer I would ask a larger audience for example 15 people instead of 5.

Billboard size - 1 male voted for this size as he believe this would be seen by a much larger audience due to the size of the poster. But the other people disagreed and said other alternatives would produce a far wider chance of people to see the poster.

Bus stop size- 4 people voted for this 2 male and 2 female which was the majority the vote. They all believed who voted for the bus stop size that this would be seen by my target audience of 15- 24 year olds as they will use the bus to get to college, shops, work etc. and be able to see the poster every time.

Magazine pull-out poster - No one voted for this one but everyone agreed its a suitable advertisement style but not the most effective as it wont reach as big of scale of people as the other alternatives which I believed is a fair reason not to use this style.

Monday, 7 February 2011

What I hope to be the finished outcome for my video.

For my finished Horror trailer I have created a few new ideas which will hopefully improve the finished video such as:

. I have recently taken some photos of locations I have used to film in such as the park, I will use these photos in conjunction withing filming footage to add a different perspective on the trailer and add something different which other people may not expect.

. As I have fully filmed all my footage for the Horror trailer, I plan on cutting the three separate scenes together which I have filmed.

The scenes I have filmed are:

1. Park Scene
2. Mansion scene
3. Daves running scene

Park scene

I filmed with the whole cast in this scene (Curt, David, Kaela and Laura) this is where the cast are drinking and becoming more outgoing expect one of the group (Kaela) who is the sensible one of the group and decides not to drink with the group.

Mansion scene

This is when I filmed 3 cast members (Curt, Kaela and Laura) the whole point of this is scene is one of the cast members has already gone missing (David) so the suspense is already their with the cast and now that one has gone missing this reveals an unfortunate chain of events for the group which leads to some more drama in the mansion area.

Daves scene

The first time we see someone go missing or any horror action is in this scene. This bit is central in the group going to the mansion to look where David went. David encounters alot of problems in this scene as he has now left the group and is running on his own due to his drunken state and goes to the mansion where he is appeared to be taken hostage or disappeared someone.

Images taken for Horror trailer.

Image I will be using for my film poster

This is the image I will be using for my Horror poster the same one I used for my film magazine Silver screen. I decided on using the image after consulting one of my teachers about images to use and they believed that I should use the same image as it effectively describes the film and what I am trying to advertise which is how the film was scare and excite you.

The mise en scene of the characters matches my target audience of 15-24 year olds as for example one of my lead characters dave imaged above in the middle is wearing a popular brand iconic of youth and style which other teenagers wear which is superdry which I hope will create a connection between the audience and the individual characters and the personalities they are playing. What the two female actresses are wearing is also representative of the typical female girl in my target audience which I hope will give the connection implied with what my male actors are wearing, as i believe when watching a film it is vital that my audience believe what they are watching is realistic and this is closely linked to the mise en scene of the characters this is because if my cast are wearing high end/ low end clothing brands this may alienate a particular sub group from watching my film so I need to appeal to everyone.

Why film next to a tree?

The tree is one of the iconic mise en scne of the trailer as Curt is shown laying next to the tree to represent death a main convention of Horror, so when people look at the poster they will link it to the trailer which all links into death which like stated is a convention.