Monday, 3 January 2011

Draft of front cover

This is my draft front cover of the Silverscreen minus the main image which i have not taken yet.

I've tried to use alot of the techniques that Empire magazine have used to create a realistic magazine front cover which my target audience will be interested in. For example the mast head is positioned at the top centre of the page to attract people to look at the brand which is selling the magazine in my case Silverscreen.

In one of the Empire magazines I analysed, they offered "FREE exclusive interviews" which I thought was a good and effective idea as this is a common tool used to persuade people to buy the magazine which makes my magazine more realistic.

I only used 2 colours in this draft front cover, which were red and black to make a simple but effective draft. The colour red was used to represent the danger of the trailer contrasted with the bold black colour makes an effective colour scheme. I realise I may need to add some different colours to aviod the front cover looking to basic or boring.

The title "The Missing" is the one i hope to use in my finished magazine product, as i have sampled a few different fonts and styles. I expermited with the colour choice but i believe balck and red is the right colour scheme at this moment time in refelcting the horror and mystery of "The Missing".

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